Once again we return to the political side of health care, a side that will be instrumental in shaping its future one way or the other. Right now there is news of interest from the Democratic Party. They have come together to hammer out the details of the official party platform on health care.
Mark Silva at The Chicago Tribune's political blog, The Swamp, brings us the current incarnation of the wording:
The committee charged with crafting a platform for the Democrats agreed today in Cleveland to call health care "a shared responsibility between employers, workers, insurers, providers and government. All Americans should have coverage they can afford."He also details a low-key tug of war between Obama's people and the Clinton camp concerning the proposed wording, with the Clinton side pulling for stronger language supporting shared responsibility among other things.
The wording agreed upon today is merely a draft, pending approval Saturday when it is presented to the full platform committee in Pittsburgh, PA. The final proposal will be presented to the Democratic convention on August 25 in Denver, CO. I wonder how many permutations it will go through?
SOURCE: "Health care: Democrats start writing Rx: Fulfilling the promise of 'universal health care,' that's the question." 08/03/08
photo courtesy of macwagen, used under its Creative Commons license
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