Monday, July 9, 2007


Welcome to the Health Care Reform Now book blog. This blog is a companion to the new book, Health Care Reform Now: A Prescription for Change, by George C. Halvorson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, and aggregates the latest health care news on the Web. Because the book calls for widespread systems reform in health care and universal coverage for all citizens, we wanted to provide a place for those interested in the topic to read the latest updates and to talk with each other about them.

Both George C. Halvorson and Kaiser Permanente have long supported health care reform and universal health care for all Americans. Halvorson's new book takes its practical lessons and solutions from his more than 30 year career as a leader of health care organizations. The news roundup on this site is meant to promote discussion on the topic in a year that has become the most promising in recent history to yield a real solution.

This blog is maintained by blogmaster George Williams of Patron Saint Productions, a publishing consultancy specializing in online marketing strategy, campaigns, and training for authors. George posts news summaries, approves comments, and removes spam. George's posts and comments on this book blog are not written by George C. Halvorson, or Kaiser Permanente, and do not necessarily reflect their views.

We welcome your participation in the Health Care Reform Now book blog. If you have any questions or comments about the site, please feel free to contact George Williams.

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